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...your children's ministry helping children understand the Bible and apply it to their lives. Attend this training to learn how Master Clubs can help you transform this exciting dream into reality!

What is Master Clubs Training?

Our training staff offers classes throughout the year at various locations specifically designed to equip and encourage your leaders.

Each church must have their director or other designated leader register their group by using our online registration form. Each registration covers the cost of the training, materials, and lunch provided by the host church. Fill out the online registration form by the Thursday before the day of your selected training, All churches can “pay at the door” the day of the training by means of cash, church check, or credit card.

Master Clubs Leader Training answers common questions like

  • 1.
    What does Master Clubs expect to accomplish in the lives of the kids in our church?
  • 2.
    What should we be doing each week in Club to accomplish those goals?
  • 3.
    How do you suggest we organize our Club program based upon the number of children in our church?
  • 4.
    How can we help our kids make the best use of their “Book Time?”
  • 5.
    How do we help children catch up in their Project Books when they habitually miss weeks of Club?
  • 6.
    How can we encourage our leaders to visit our kids and develop relationships with them and their parents?
  • 7.
    Other than the Project Books, are there other materials offered by Master Clubs to train our Clubbers?
  • 8.
    How can we motivate the Clubbers to complete projects and badges?
  • 9.
    Do you have fresh ideas for Game Time?
  • 10.
    What is the best plan for preparing kids for Regional and Mailbox Competitions?
All these and many other questions are already answered for the leaders in the Master Clubs' Leader Training Guide. However, these live sessions do give leaders the opportunity to ask more questions specifically relevant to your church.

Master Club Training is for...

  • Pastors
    Come to improve your overall understanding of Master Clubs in your church.
  • Leaders
    Come to discover new ways to equip yourself with fresh ideas to encourage and motivate your Clubbers and fellow leaders.
  • Parents
    Learn how Master Clubs can help your child have a genuine relationship with God.

Reach out to schedule a training session for your church